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Glossary of technical terms for the use of metallurgical engineers  Terms starting with alphabet ‘E’

Glossary of technical terms for the use of metallurgical engineers  Terms starting with alphabet ‘E’ Earing – It is the wavy symmetrical projections formed during cupping, deep drawing, or spinning. It is the formation of ears or scalloped edges around the top of a drawn shell, resulting from the directional differences in the plastic-working properties …

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Cold Extrusion Process for Steel

 Cold Extrusion Process for Steel Cold extrusion of metals is one of the most important manufacturing processes of today and effectively involves forcing the material through a die at room temperature for creating a continuous product of consistent cross-section. Cold extrusion is so called since the billet / slug or preform enters the extrusion die …

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Metal Casting Processes

Metal Casting Processes Metal casting process is the simplest and most direct route to a near net shape product and frequently the least expensive process. This process in its fundamental form needs a mould cavity of the desired shape and liquid metal to pour into the mould cavity. Metal castings are being produced for thousands …

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Fluid Flow, Flow Control and Modifying Devices in a Tundish

Fluid Flow, Flow Control and Modifying Devices in a Tundish For the transfer of liquid steel from a steel teeming ladle to the moulds of a continuous casting machine (CCM), an intermediate vessel, called a tundish, is used. The tundish is intended to deliver the liquid steel to the moulds evenly and at a designed …

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Metal Forming and Metal Working Processes

Metal Forming and Metal Working Processes Metal working consists of deformation processes in which a metal billet or blank is shaped by tools or dies. In metal working, an initially simple work-piece (e.g., a billet or a blanked sheet) is plastically deformed between tools (or dies) to get the desired final configuration. The design and …

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Pre-treatment of Hot Metal

Pre-treatment of Hot Metal Since the 1980s, the quality of raw materials and fuels used in ironmaking and steelmaking has increasingly deteriorated around the world. This trend has led to a deteriorating quality of hot metal in terms of higher contents of impurities. Also, during this period, there has been growing demand for the production …

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Operations in Steel Teeming Ladle in Steel Melting Shop

Operations in Steel Teeming Ladle in Steel Melting Shop The treatment of steel in the ladle has started around 1940s when the first ladle-to-ladle and ladle-to-ingot mould vacuum degassing processes for hydrogen removal has appeared on the scene. In the late 1950s, more efficient vacuum degassing units such as the Dortmund Hoerder (DH) and Ruhrstahl-Heraeus …

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Welding Metallurgy

Welding Metallurgy Joining of two metal elements by means of welding consists in the formation of a weld between these two elements. The weld is composed of molten, mixed and, eventually, solidified metal of the edges of welded elements as well as of filler metal (consumable). In principle, melting of metal during welding as well …

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Shearing of Sheet, Strip, and Plate

Shearing of Sheet, Strip, and Plate Shearing is a method for cutting a metal piece into smaller pieces using a shear blade to force the metal past an opposite shear blade in a progression form. Shearing is widely used to divide large, flat metal such as sheet, strip, and plate. Shearing is a fast and …

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Flattening, Levelling, Slitting, and Shearing of Coiled Flat Steel Product

Flattening, Levelling, Slitting, and Shearing of Coiled Flat Steel Product Hot strip mill and cold rolling mill produce steel strips in varying widths and material thicknesses. These plates / sheets are typically coiled for efficient handling, transport, and further processing. Steel coils are processed in several ways namely (i) it can be ‘slit’ into a …

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